Thanks to Coach Artie Taylor and his staff, the 2010 Buckeye Prep Elite Showcase has upgraded it's facilities, and will now be held at Alumni Hall (Pictured) on the campus of Ohio Dominican University in Columbus. The Division II facility has recently undergone major renovations, and now offers 3 beautiful regulation size courts under one roof. Showcase fans will be able to watch games on all 3 courts at one time in a professional and confortable environment. We are excited about hosting this event on a college campus and at such a nice venue. ODU is located about 2 miles from the USA Sports Academy at 1216 Sunbury Road, Columbus, Ohio 43219.
Also, the response to the showcase has been tremendous, as over 135 players have already signed up for the event. Between the competition and facilities, this could be one of the best events we have held in the last couple of years. The deadline for entry fees is February 6th, and spots are filling up quickly. If you or someone you know is interested and talented enough to attend this event, email me at Taylorobe@aol.com for an invitation. You really don't want to miss this event!!
Right now, over 160 players have signed up for the showcase. The competition will be unmatched!! The registration dealine is March 6th. You don't want to miss this evenT!!
ReplyDeleteMy mistake, the deadile is February 6th not March 6th. For those of you who can't make the deadline, you will need to register via Pay Pal. Make sure you list your son/player's name under instructions to help be credit your payment.
ReplyDeleteI received an invitation is there a way to sign up online?
ReplyDeleteIf you received an invitation, email Rob Taylor at: Taylorobe@aol.com to reserve a spot, and provide player information (i.e., name, grade, height & position), then follow that up with the completed forms and fee. After the deadline, any new additions will have to be accompanied by a payment thru Pay Pal (from the website). After the deadline, I will start finalizing my format and rosters and will send out the tentative to everyone on my bulk email list. Right not, 179 nine players have reserved a spot and the 6th & 8th grade divisions are virtually full. However, I will be adding and dropping names from the initial list after the deadline has past, based on new/paid entries. This event is going to be HOT!!
ReplyDeleteThe above It should serve as a reminder that the deadline for the 2010 Buckeye Prep Elite Showcase in Saturday. After that date, no spots can be held without payment or special arraignments. We have almost 180 kids planning to come, with more interest than we are going to be able to accommodate. So, I need to hear from you if you plan to send your son/player(s), or your payment via Pay Pal.
ReplyDeletegucci mane is supposed to come