Thursday, October 23, 2014

AAU Makes Sweeping Changes

For as many years as I can remember, the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) has allowed teams to have at least 3 grade exceptions per team. Well, that long-standing practice has apparently changed, and will have a significant impact on travel basketball.  According to a very reliable source, at their annual board meeting in Fort Lauderdale, FL last week, the AAU changed their rules to prohibit any grade exceptions in ages 7-14 effective immediately. 

As we all know, the key to placing high at the AAU Nationals is often about the number and quality of a team’s grade exceptions.  With this new model, teams will be forced to refigure, as kids are forced to play on teams based on their age.  Any many cases, teams will lose their best 3 players who will now be forced to find teams in their own age. The specific details of the rule changes are not yet known, but any way you cut it, the face of middle school basketball will change forever.

Undoubtedly, the impetus for such a dramatic change could be directly related to the number of cheating scandals AAU experienced this past summer. Those of us who follow travel basketball closely know the players, organizations and situations that could be responsible for AAU’s dramatic shift in policy.  If you think about it, hundreds of teams participate in AAU Nationals every year, and of those hundreds of teams, about a quarter of those teams are the truly elite, have quality grade exceptions, and have a realistic chance of winning it all. Consequently, AAU was faced with allowing a few teams at the very top to negatively affect the majority of the “middle of the road” type teams who are really generating most of the revenue.

We will all wait to see the ramification of the rule changes and time will only tell how teams and organizations will respond. Programs like the National Youth basketball League (NYBL) could be part of the answer for many teams, as their bylaws place no restrictions on grade exceptions.  For many parents, who have tired of all the hype and exposure given to the so called grade exceptions, this news will be a God send, and will help even the playing field for their child. Hold on folks, things are about to get really interesting!


  1. It's about time. Thank you Jesus! Puts every team on even field.

  2. Ive been saying this was long overdue. Top organizations have been getting out of control with the reclassification of athletes and scouts put those same kids in the same rankings with the legit kids which took the fun out of AAU. Id like to personally thank AAU for finally making this much needed and long overdue change!!!

    1. Join supporters of the new AAU age ruling!

  3. They stopped GRADE exceptions or AGE exceptions?
    Grade exceptions are usually younger than the teams they play on.
    Eliminating Grade exceptions does not help anything.

    1. Age Exceptions! You play your age. For most that is also playing their grade. For hold backs and reclass it is not playing their grade. You will always be able to play up. Not down! Thank You Boo Williams and AAU.

    2. Can you give a couple of examples, please?
      The old rule was: 9th Grade student was able to play on an 8th Grade AAU team if he/she was born on or after 9/1/2000.
      What is the new rule?

    3. To play 13u, you can't be older than 13 on 8/13.

    4. Yesterday at the national convention for AAU in Fort Lauderdale, a 60% – 40% vote was passed and AAU has voted to change their rules for age eligibility. The 7u-14u divisions will now change nationally.

      If you are wanting to play in divisions next year you must meet these rules:

      14u – Turn 15 after September 1, 2015
      13u – Turn 14 after September 1, 2015
      12u – Turn 13 after September 1, 2015
      11u – Turn 12 after September 1, 2015
      10u – Turn 11 after September 1, 2015
      9u – Turn 10 after September 1, 2015
      8u – Turn 9 after September 1, 2015
      7u – Turn 8 after September 1, 2015

  4. If kids have to start playing against kids their own age, you know how many of the elite teams that will disband! This is hilarious and I definitely agree, long overdue. Now you can see just how good all these so called top ranked players really are when they stop playing against younger less experienced talent, and play against players their same age! Lol! I love it. So long AOR! So long King James! Nice knowing ya!

    1. That's funny because AOR already broke up

    2. King James never Had A Exception Player. We Wasn'tFortunate. King James Not Goin No Where, We Got Nike And LeBron Sponsoring.

    3. OBC/Murphy 9th is one team that will be truly effected.

  5. Love it. Its about time for the nonsense to stop. Anyone who understands puberty and development knows how wrong it was to allow a grade base system rather than age during these formative years. The only emphasis during these formative years should be on overall development.

  6. If leagues like NYBL, BBallspotlight, Elevate & others don't conform to the new standards of fair play they will lose credibility to the AAU & AAU sanctioned events. These sanctioned events will be the only legitimate & respected source for youth sports.

    1. Yes, Parents will indeed be very willing to spend big money for aau sanctioned events. And enjoy the game even when their team loses.
      All the others better take heed. Dolla Dolla Bill Yall!

      Thank you AAU.

  7. The AAU has set itself as the gold standard for youth sports with this ruling.

  8. Great move and stewardship by the AAU!

  9. Now we will see who can really coach!

  10. I am so sick of hearing play with kids their own age. So before you speak from a place of ignorance do your research please. Because when I played youth sports 14u meant calendar year. Not if I was born September 1 and after I could play with players 9-12 month younger then me. The only reason a lot of parents reclass their kids is to give them chance to compete againt players that are the same age as them. Dont get me wrong I do agree with the rule change but make it fair across the board. Play the year you were born and nobody could complain!!

    1. I see your point, beginning of the year v.s. end of the year. But that was what was happening to grade exceptions that added more years. I can live with begin v.s end but thus reclass phenomenon was a out of control when boys were plaYing against men with parents screaming we the best Salute to AAU but really they want that money back that I'm willing to them. These camps & showcases better lay down or bow down cause the dollar is ruling now.

      Nice move.

    2. I never understood why they had grade exceptions anyway. What would a team of exceptional kids get out of playing teams that are in the right grade. I've always felt that AAU rewarded kids for not doing their work. Also I didn't understand why they needed report cards. I've always felt like it should have always been age & not grade. Exceptional means to me that ypu can play up not down.

  11. parents have been reclassing kids in baseball for a while now. I don't know why we crying about it now in basketball..... It's a competitive edge yes, but in your high school years you'll be playing against kids ranging from 3-4 yrs. If a kid is really in a grade and he's stayed back because his grades are not up to par or he needs to stay back academic wise he should be able to play his grade. If there is foolery such as reclassing the kid so he can play down home school and change grade so he can play down then that's a problem in my opinion. If the kid is truly in that grade because he started school late or stayed back for academic purposes in a public or private school with documentation he should be able to play his grade.

    1. Play your age!!!!!!

    2. Sadly, most kids are reclassed to dominate their sport, not for academic reasons. Love this rule change because my motto is....if you aren't good enough to beat kids your own're not good enough to make it!!

    3. If a kid is reclassing because he can't make the grades, then it's his parents responsibility to turn their focus on his grades. Not basketball. What happened to good ole fashion values. What are we teaching kids? Kudos to AAU for finally getting it right!

    4. Did you really say, "If a kid is really in a grade and he's stayed back because his grades are not up to par......he should be able to play his grade?" Why should he? He shouldnt be playing youth sports if you ask me. Everyone knows colleges are raising their entry requirments so if a kid is barely getting by in school, he wont get into college reagdless of how high he is ranked.

  12. Simple, Elite Teams will just go elsewhere and scouts looking for the best players will know where to find them. AAU events will no longer be that place.

    1. They will find them in AAU. Many of those so called best players are 1 1/2 years older during puberty. Puberty in boys is between 9-15. During this period of early development months, a year matters in terms of growth, testosterone etc. Example a kid almost 15 in 7th grade vs a 13 year old legit 7th grader has a temporary performance advantage. This will later balance out in high school. College scouts are not dumb they know this. Besides most kids are not reclassified and those parents are going to support the organizations that give their kid a fair chance. My kid is ranked & in his proper grade & age group. This is a valuable opportunity to move him up the rankings why would we play anywhere that does not support this ruling..

  13. We will see in the months to come who really can coach & who really can play will this ruling. This ruling only threaten those who cannot coach & those who are enjoying fictitious temporary success. The coaches that can coach, have integrity, and love the game are celebrating, the kids & parents who do it right are celebrating, the parasites, cheaters, exploiters & individuals who have been winning based only on the older kids talent will be exposed.

    1. Exactly. Go play against the best. We who don't reclass have been for years

  14. Won't believe until I see the 2015 rules.

  15. Long time coming...this is a game changer! I have always said... "Cheaters never prosper". This has come to pass....

    1. I don't understand if a child is in the 8th grade an has never repeated a grade,but turn 15 in January what grade do he play?

    2. What is AAU going to do about a kid that is in the 8th grade,the kid has a late birthday in December, but turn 15 in December what grade do he play? I agree with you North Carolina, I don't understand what AAU is going do,you have to be 15 to play 8th grade?

    3. They will play with other 15 year olds, grade shouldn't matter only age. Lets use another example, say a kids fails twice in middle school and is a 16 year old should he be allowed to play with 8th graders. Fairness has to return to youth sports and Age at tournament is the only objective standard. That is the age you are at tournament is what u play period, no exceptions, problem solved.

    4. How can you be in the 8th Grade, never fail and turn 15? That is impossible. My son has a fall birthday is in 7th and just tuned 12. Not saying he is some elite prospect but I am a stong believer in education, and if he got held back for any reason he wouldnt be playing basketball. The oldest you will be without being held back is 13.

  16. I love this.. Hey you coaches running these camps, with these 'elite' teams.... Now let's see if you can coach.. And let's see if these parents will now stop yelling, best in class of....... Yall in cali, you know who you are. Don't hide.. Double hold backs? Haaaa. Yea..

  17. love this new rule

  18. Will the buckeye prep, King James ,All Ohio Red tournaments have this new AAU rule is place in 2015?

  19. Look how youth football is governed.. Age and weight.. Yea if you're older, you gotta be lighter.. Football doesn't right.. Period.. And they have no problem putting out studs.. You even have to make weight before every game.. Parents in basketball.. Program directors, coaches, tournament runners.. Stop being scared.. Accept the new rule. This is great.. Even playing field.. What's wrong with being fair?

  20. The only objective rule in all of AAU to solve all our problems should be YOU PLAY THE AGE YOU ARE AT TOURNAMENTS with no restrictions on playing up. Grade should be irrelevant..

  21. Best thing ever.. but aau has to do a better job of validation as well. Check each players birth certificate before every tournament. Cheaters will always cheat.. it's in their blood.

    1. You're right.. Parents want to brag.. Pretty funny how parents feed in to the word, 'elite'

  22. What's funny is to hear these parents have a 14 year old playing 12u.. And literally go over to the wall where the schedule is and look up 12u.. And say 'yes, we in the championship'... We'll of corse.. You're cheating..

    1. Yeah the parents have no shame. Good example of this fast food McDonalds world we now live in. Its a tragedy this was allowed to go on for so long. God bless you Boo Williams and others who fought this battle. Whatever the motives whether business or personal integrity it was the right move for our kids in the long run.

  23. Thank you AAU! I truly hope that Buckeye Prep, NYBL and all others will fall in line with this ruling which only wants to promote fairness. Baseball has always gone by age, not grade. Why not basketball?
    The best programs can still be the best. They just need to recruit players who are the proper age. Level playing field. I hope that Buckeye Prep is reading all of these comments. I know that they are the same people who run the NYBL.

  24. NYBL, Buckeye Prep have a great opportunity to take a lead in youth Basketball by declaring it will conform to these new rules. Already BBall spotlight showing resistance on their website and already i'm willing & ready to pull my kid, a ranked kid and have him compete only in leagues and tournaments that follow these rules. I'm just waiting for Rob Taylor and others to respond as to whether they will adhere to the new rules before i only allow my kid to participate in AAU sanctioned events.

    1. I am in agreement with you. I also have a "ranked" kid and I'm considering the same course of action. Although my son will be in high school next year where the rules are the same as they have always been. Oh well. At least this is a step in the right direction. I also hope Rob Taylor does the right thing.

  25. Awesome!!!!!Is this official yet? When will AAU aanounce it? Will the age be determined by Calendar year (which I think should be the case) or School Year (which to me makes no sense)? Does anyone know what will happen when these kids grow to 14+? Will the age rule follow them?

    1. It's official. Check the Aau twitter page.. not sure how the calculation of the 12 months makes a difference, it's still a year. So Sept 1 to Aug 31. Also only applies through 8th grade. 9th - 12th grade is the old rule, which is fine

  26. I agree that this rule is long over due!! All of the student reclassing for athletic purposes is obsurd. I had to sit and watch my kids accept an 2nd place trophy, when I knew in my heart they were being cheated. The cheating robbed my players of their moment and they may never see it again. Speaking as a Coach with a team that has grade exceptions that will be effected, I am for the NEW And Improved AAU Rule change.

    North Texas Tarheels Elite
    Coach P.

    1. Great! Tired of cheaters winning all the time! The cheaters are stealing the younger guys accomplishments by being too old and dominating them. Bye bye oakland, west coast, wacg, wisconsin, and definitely slam city!

    2. The teams you mentioned could care less.. they will keep their reclassifications and just play elsewhere in a league that accepts the rule.. don't be naive to think that everyone will follow suit.. it's about money

    3. So they will play each other who are the same age. Basically playing their age.

    4. 10:55...Just described a .....

      "difference without a distinction"

    5. Coach P n texas, Same thing happen to CJBA from Sacramento in 2012 &2013. They had legit 2021 & 2022 players playing 2021 and went to final 4 both years& lost to Glory.
      Should have been back to back nat`l champions.

  27. If other tournaments/leagues don't change their rules as well, we can have a situation like in bodybuilding. They have competitions where steroids are allowed and others where they are not. This is no different. Some competitions where you can be more developed physically for an advantage.
    Also, there is another side to this that I haven't seen discussed, but goes on all of the time. Not everyone reclassifies their kids. Many hold them back before kindergarten and start them late...for athletic reasons (I know there are some kids who start late for other reasons. I'm not referring to them.)

  28. That's the point, its about money. For every elite reclassified player there is 100's of average players participating in tournaments dreaming of making it. They are the majority and they buy the shoes, pay for the tournaments, attend camps etc. Remember also sneaker companies want to portray a good image and so do other sponsors. The AAU is giving them that image and will draw the numbers back with the rule changes. They will sell integrity, sportsmanship, fairness, development etc, parents will love it, sponsors will love it. Parents will especially love it if there kid is not a reclass. Remember reclassified players are in the minority. Business is Business and my money is on the AAU to win this. Lastly lets say your kid is an elite player and not a reclass, i think most parents are going let them elevate their game even further in the AAU with the age restrictions.

  29. Yea but when it comes to Nationals then what? They do the grade acception until nationals? Now teams won't want to go to nationals because of their old child not being able to play vs. babies. This is a good rule!

    1. Their old child is in the minority and players often jump teams. No player is going to not go to nationals because of someones personal agenda and avoid opportunities for recognition. Elite non reclass players are going to nationals and so will the majority of the kids who make it and now feel like they have a chance to prove themselves against competition their own age. The AAU just threw a monkey wrench in the circuit. The only option is to conform or lose.

  30. If all the teams adhere to the new rules.all of the reclassed kids will go back to the original grade and should still have sucsess because the kids that reclassed into there original will have to move up as well.So now the kids who didn't reclassed can have a fair shot at playing on a level playing field.

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Unfortunately this is correct

    2. My take is the wrong people are running youth events

  32. This is crazy lol.

  33. All the people on here yelling YES, are the parents of the mediocre players that still will be mediocre after the rule change. The rule can save you either you can ball or you can't. lol

    1. And these same parents will end up having children who make a positive contribution to society. Have a college education and a good job. As opposed to living out some fantasy of being a professional basketball player.. I'm surprised the other parents are so blind not to see this.

    2. "Either you can ball or you can't"? A ELITE 14 year old is going to dominate an ELITE 12 year old. What part of this is hard to understand? So according to you, 12-year olds should be able to compete with NBA players? After all, either you can ball or you can't. SMH

    3. Realist ish I've read if your team or kid not on the level that's why they made D2 and D3

    4. I'm a parent of a top 50 kid who is not a reclass and people like me are pissed with this reclass nonesense. Kids almost 2 years older ranked higher, I welcome the new system so u can get it out of your head that only the parents of unranked players are complaining. Furthermore too refer to kids as mediocre is a despicable is shameful. Lastly if your kid is so good then why did u have to reclass him. Apparently you don't have faith that their talent and hard work is enough.

  34. Well in 2016, those medicore kids will have the grades and sat scores to play college ball and get degrees while learning to play at the next level. Medicore always take time to move on to greatness.

  35. Why would you assume a player is not smart because they reclassed. That ignorant to say. I don't see none of the top players how haven't reclassed parents crying. It's only the bums. The same ones that cry at camp because they didn't make the all star team or didn't get a writeup or ranked. Always the bums lol

    1. Why assume a non-reclass is mediocre? We just defended the mediocre who work hard aff play their age and up.

      Nowhere did it say reclasses weren't smart.

      Oh my medicore 6'8" medicore is just fiNE being mediocre working on greatness. And he's rnaked too.

      Now we mediocres now can say what we've always be told... it's all within the rules.

  36. Its easy to look great when your 2 years older. How many kids that are ranked top 10 in there class were ranked that high before they reclassified?if there is one out 400 kids I would be surprised and if there is one why would he reclassed.The point is the so called good kids people speak about were average or mediocre at there own age.

    1. SYANIDE, you make valid point. just look at the tone that retard about u is using when referring to kids, 'bums, mediocre" and these are the people around the Circuit. I have always asked this question to those reclass supporters and that's if your kid is so good why do u have to reclass them? Why do they have to be almost 2 years older than the other kids they're competing against to be successful? Parents of reclass kids need to not neglect contributions to the 529 plan because if basketball is your only plan u already behind.

  37. WOW, we now have 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 year old bums because they're not successful at making basketball rankings or all star games. WOW mental illness.

  38. I really believe that MOST parents reclassified their children due to being tired of them playing against older kids. It gets demoralizing to a young athlete who really loves the game yet constantly plays against kids older, bigger, stronger and faster. And it discourages a kid even more to see the older guys get all the recognition.

    As a high school coach, that supports AAU ball, I like the ruling. Hopefully in some way, shape or form, this new ruling helps to increase the importance of school ball in the college recruitment process.

    AAU - age based
    High School - grade based

  39. People if u think a parent with a national ranked non re classed kid is not salivating at an opportunity to leave this reclassified cheating system. They're pissed that the kid ranked higher than their kid is almost 2 years older but are trapped because that's the norm with the circuit. But now the AAU has given us a opportunity for a fair age based system. Don't be surprised when top 100 non reclassed kids buck for the AAU because of its rules restriction so they can shine even more against kids their age.

  40. Look how you sound above calling a kid a bum when your 16 clapping in the face and taunting 12 year olds. When your a parent of a 14 year old checking out the 11 year old pool standings. When you consider yourself playing up when in reality your playing your own age.

  41. What will they do about those that tamper with birth certificate copies? Why dont they require ORGINIAL BIRTH CERTIFICATES inorder make lamenated cards.

  42. They say this rule does not effect the reclassed kids in high school so why not keep it the way it was prior to the ruling?I will worry about the reclassed kids when my 11 year old 6th grade son gets in high school.By then the gap will be a lot smaller than it is now.15 playing with 17 is a lot closer when I comes to physical maturity than 12 and 14.

  43. For years it has been national news when a kid from the Little League World Series is a star pitcher because he his too old. When people find out they are outraged in the interest of fairness. And yet it basketball it happens every tournament, multiple times, and no one seems to care. Congrats to all of you standing up for this new rule. Also, the question about fake birth certificates is a good one, as it has been an issue in the LLWS. I guess that will be the next level that reclass parents will resort to.

  44. Coast2Coastprep and these other website directors are delusional. They don't realize that the circuit has been waiting for this to happen. This is the true test of whether a kid has real talent or not. Compete against your own age group and shine and you'll get true recognition. Rob Taylor is legit but All these others care about is $$$$$$ reclasses=more $$$$ more tournaments, coaches who cannot coach shine, team sponsorship, sneaker companies etc. What people don't understand is that this manipulation of puberty runs out in high school.

    1. I read that article and it comes of as arrogant, buddy you run a youth basketball league you're not David Stern or Roger Goodell. Not sure how they became the authority. I guess whomever screams loudest wins

  45. What will they do about those that tamper with birth certificate copies? Why dont they require ORGINIAL BIRTH CERTIFICATES inorder make lamenated cards.

    1. They will alter them... Trust. I agree, they need to be Original

  46. I think they should have used a rule similar to baseball or track and field. Now kids like my son who has a July birthday has to play up a grade. Summer birthdays should have been taken into account.

    1. 1:36PM.... and then you take some spring birthdays into account..... Whatever they do there has to be a line drawn and someone will not like it. Dad of an 8/31/2006 boy - youngest one in school and on his AAU team.

    2. If your son has a July birthday and has to play up a grade, then he started school late. And maybe he had legitimate reasons for doing so, but in athletics he should play with kids his own age. The responder at 1:57 PM was exactly right. There has to be a line drawn and they chose to make it at the date when school starts and dividing line for when you are supposed to start your kid in school.

    3. Sept 1 is a good place to draw the line. Depending on when the Nationals are in July or August, it ensures that all the kids are the same age (at least 90 - 95% of kids). July and August kids (like my kid) will always be the youngest by 10 to 11 months. That is better than the previous 24 months difference. Kudos to AAU.

  47. I am completely amazed at some of the negative comments above. I am 100% in support of this ruling and think that it was long overdue. It is sad that these young men are taught to cheat by their parents and for what? If you can't get it honestly than it's not meant to be. I couldn't re-class my son if i wanted to because he is an "A" student and at would never ever agree to "CHEAT". Not only is it unfair to have constantly compete against kids that are older and bigger it's dangerous.
    I really think that it is sad that parents that are supposed to protect, nurture and teach their kids right from wrong are in so many words teaching them that it is okay to lie and cheat. Yes, as they get older they will encounter such things in the real world, but trust and believe everything always come full circle. My advice to you all that have your priorities out of order is to look in the mirror and ask yourself what am I doing. Teach your young men to get a good education, be good citizens and to operate with a "CODE"…and no, my son is not mediocre. His hard work gets him recognized wherever he goes. Thank you AAU!

    1. Excellent I fully support your statement. My kid is a non reclass and ranked in the top 50. We are in full support of this ruling and he will be participating in AAU nationals. Hats of to the AAU.

    2. Really look in the mirror you just judge thousand of individual’s characters that you don’t even know. I mean your comment sounds like your concern? hmm I wonder why? I will educate you on one thing because you are truly lacking “Facts” but you have an opinion about hold backs so let me just tell you that most hold back are only three to 5 months older then the kids in the grade there’re put back in, and there are a lot of reason for parents doing this for their child and not jus one thing. I for one can prove this to be fact! I just wish parent stop being so disrespectful and negative toward other kids and just learn to enjoy what they are paying for which should be “the opportunity for their kids” to compete against high level competition and having fun. Oh and money can't but you everything!

  48. Thank you!!! I was getting tired of that.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I have been coaching AAU for many many years. When I first started is was age before they went to grade and teams still cheat. This won’t help either as many coaches and parents alter the kids birth certificates so they can play down which makes it the same problem. The only problem I have with this rule is the kids are still going to be playing with their own grade when they get to 14/15yrs old. So what’s the point. The other problem I have is some kids are truly young by age and start school late. I have 2 kids on my team that bdays are in July and beginning of August but are grade exceptions because there bdays are before Aug 31st but stated school the following year, so I don’t agree that’s fair to them. They were not held back but started late because they were young. In all, people find ways around every rule that AAU put in place. We shall see what affects these have on some teams. I doubt not very many…

    1. @ 2:17PM So it is fair that your July born player then plays against a year younger June born player?????
      I hope you are not one of my son's coaches. If you are we will find a new team. You do not understand how kids biological and physical development affect their growth, strength...., which are, kind of, important for a basketball player. By the way by the time they are 15 it all evens out and the puberty starts for 99% of boys, so it is OK to play with the reclassed / held-back kids.
      Having just turned 11yo play with almost 13yo - makes huge difference.
      Your July born player, obviously, started school a year later than most of the kids. His parents might have had the best intention (not basketball related), but life is not fair.
      Believe me it will even out by 10th grade and he will shine if he works hard.
      The fact that he played with older players will just make him tougher.
      When I was 7th grade, "only" 5'8" tall, I played against some "giants" who were 6''3". Guess what, I grew to 6'8" in my Junior year and was about 4" taller than them.
      It all evens out, but there has to be a line drawn, specially at early age.

      Thank you AAU! Cant wait for the next season

      Dad of 14u, 10u and 7u players!

    2. What are you talking about you are the reason I have a code of conduct in place for parents! I can tell you that your wrong and let’s face it the real problem you have is you was not a good player growing up and the truth is your hurt and your kids are getting the worse of it! There is a difference and that it skills and talent and lets not forget “Biology” the second one you didn’t have! Please listen for once to some sound advice they have youth leagues basketball in high school. Enjoy

    3. Your code of conduct:
      1. We cheat, so we can win
      2. We do not argue facts, but attack people we do not know.
      You are what is rotten in youth sports.

  51. I have a fun idea for all the people who think the new reclassed rule will water down the AAU Nationals.Let's have a game between the 12u 2015 AAU champs against the the Nybl or Whoever 4th grade champs and see how good these reclassed kids

  52. if these new leagues don't conform to the AAU new age requirement its more than likely they'll go out of business. AAU has established themselves as a leader in youth sports with this ruling.

    1. You are absolutely right.Before my son goes to a phenom camp or my sons team I am going to want to know if it is going to go the new AAU standard.If they don't they won't get my money

    2. Yes ask those questions cause Money does all the talk in you need.

    3. No AAU age rules = shady basketball outfit

  53. Ho is this not a good idea. The physical development of kids that age are so rapid that a 7th grade playing against a a true 6th grader will be uneven if all basketball skills are the same. Thats simplifying it, but it is an unfair advantage. If you went to the NO Super 60 and saw all those 6th graders that were dunking then you would get it. Never in the history of basketball has an 11 yo guard dunk! The highest jumping guards that in the league will tell you they weren't dunking in 6th grade. Im talking Derozan, westbrook, etc. It was total BS, not this ruling should help put the universe back in order.

  54. Let's not forget AAU were the ones who created this mess from the start. At first it was 3 grade exceptions then AAU said it was ok to have unlimited so thats the way it is now. It is not cheating if a kid reclass and within age to play his grade ACCORDING to the rules AAU has set forth. If a parent reclass their kid to give them a better opportunity to excel in sports, school, a better chance at scholorship or a shot at the league then more power to them. If your kid isnt a reclass then that was your family's decision but how can yall be upset that another parent decided that was best for them UNDER THE RULES AAU SET? Regardless if a kid is 12 in the 5th grade thise 5th graders are going to be his class all the way thru so thats who his should play with. Alot of these elite teams/kids play up anyway any only do Nationals and a select few tournaments their age so no big deal. AAU Nationals is a 8 day money pit anyway, these kids are conditioned to play 2-3 games a day but at nationals play 1 a day just to keep you there paying $100 bucks a day for a room. NYBL, BBallspotlight and especially the tournaments in Las Vegas are going to be off the chain with these talented kids this summer. This ruling wont do anything, the better teams will take their talents to Vegas and boogie at less cost and frankly a better time even for the parents! AAU CREATED THE RECLASS RULE SO I GUESS THEY CLEANING UP THEIR MESS

    1. ACCORDING TO THE RULES you can keep your starters in the game when you are up by 50. That doesn't mean that you should. The grade based system for basketball is based on the assumption that children would be a certain age for each grade. And yes, you are correct, AAU created the rule so they are cleaning up their mess. They, like most people, realized the system that allowed older children to beat up on younger children was wrong and so now they are changing it. They admitted their mistake like adults and changed it. As for the high school rules, that doesn't matter as much because college coaches don't go to high schools to recruit. They go to the AAU tournaments. So that's where it matters that kids are playing against players their own age.
      Bottom line, if your child was reclassified, you are just admitting that they weren't good enough to compete with their own age group.

  55. The only people that are upset by this ruling are those reclassed kids that are going to have to play against kids thier own age and will not get the same shine they did playing against kids a year and a half younger than themselves. Reclassing is a paper tiger. Feel bad for those that reclassed just to be head of the basketball class. Got to grab some of those t shirts back

    1. Understand even with the new AAU rules the class of 2019, 2020, 2021 etc will still have the same kids in them. The same reclassed kids will be ranked where they are, there will not be a 2020 reclass rank and then a 2020 unreclassd rank, they will all be in the same class so it doesnt matter. Basically since pretty much all teams have a late Bday or reclass kid on them these kids are playing against their own ages anyway! The last 10-12 teams at nationals that place are older teams so they are playing against kids their age. If a team want to have starters in while they up by 50 then so be it just play ball, lessons can be taught with a tough loss. I dont mind my kid playing against a older kid it will only make him better. NYBL, Bballspotlight and MIT will be as good as ever, the Nationals this yr will probably be a little down as far as quality teams but thats OK all the kids will have a place to play. Dont fool yourselves about rankings their will be no movement the top tier kids will still be highly ranked according to their CLASS....

    2. 7:47 PM you either have no idea what you are talking about or you do not know how to write it down. There is no issue playing against older kids. You can play up as many levels as you want.
      If a kid is held back in 7th grade and he is turns 14 before September 1st he can't play 13u, he has to play 14u. Old rules would have allowed him to play 13u. Got it?

    3. 7:47pm There is no 2020 class division. It is now called 13U. 14U cannot play 13U like last year. Smell the coffee.

    4. My son play up but he is in the 2020 class and turns 14 when school is outin May and his birthday is on 7/1so AAU told me I was right to play him up, but not all kids are like him.

  56. Isn't going to make a difference for elite natl. 7th players, because they'll move up to play 8th graders but the elite 8th graders will have moved up, too. So the best 'older' 7th graders will still play each other & lesser skilled 'age appropriate' players. So what?

    1. If these so called elite players are so "elite" stop playing down and play up or maybe they aren't really elite just "good" against younger less experienced kids lets call it what it is

    2. Ok you just did. lol

  57. The so what should be asked to the folks who came down to play weaker kid. Middle school rankings are cool but in the grand scheme of things only a handful move on staying at the top by junior year. Why? Because those other little boys guess what....have grown up also.

    Scouts will still come to aau events, invites will still be given out as well. Do let that advantage at 11 fool you into thinking you still have it at 16. Just saying.

    And parents still have to pay to have their kids particpate on what will be the alternatives. So the removal of their dollar since they see somebody needs it may affect those other alternative methods as well.

    Nonreclass far out number reclass. And the majority usually rules.

    So don't be nonchalant aau just showe'd parents they have a vote because of the power of the dollar.

  58. The shift causing the reclasses to play each other will now put the reclasses in a place he tried to leave, being one amongst many just like him. While before there was a few but not all of them and that's what they reclassed for.

    Since THE TALENT Will Be More CONCENTRATED THE Play Will Be More DIFFICULT something the reclass has to her accustomed to all over again and that will take some time to get used to. We all know about the window and it closes fast if you need it open before moving to the next level.

    1. Hello? I really don’t think you get this middle school is not real!!!! High school is where the hold back will get rewarded middle school is just a process. This is why teams are not sponsored until high school..

    2. The new ruling makes no benefit to reclassing until after 8th grade! Thank You AAU. If your kid is still a stud after 8th grade then it may make sense for him to reclass for HS - especially if he has a late birthday like June, July or August. If he is not a stud or has college scholarship potential - why bother.

  59. Why is it so who you suppose to be playing against. aau will be fine without all the bs thats going on with the reclassing. And yes the classes of the players wont change but I garantee some of their rankings will drop when they have to face players of the same age. And bottom line is if they were really all that why the hell did they reclass anyways???? I know for education playing younger kids ever helped someones english or math grades, im just saying

    1. Common sense. Thank you for putting it plain and simple. Thank you AAU!

    2. Ranking will drop?? Crazy please stop this stuff it's not real! High school is where the kid will shine. Imagine that starting all four years a head of your kid and then get a scholarship to college. This is real man run and tell that! lol Enjoy

  60. The so what is that the elite players already play up a grade (or two) 90% of the season. AAU rule changes may affect what teams they choose for Nationals, or if they even go, but I just don't see it changing their competitive experience all that much. Parents of these kids at age 13-14 are more focused on high school prospects or getting into elite clubs for eventual EYBL exposure. There are always late bloomers that will come up, but in reality the pool starts narrowing around this age.

  61. It still doesn't make a difference. Do you know how many times I have seen forged report cards and birth certificates when there was a 3 player exemption rule several years ago. This doesn't stop anything. So changing the rules again in AAU, mean nothing. Just another obstacle to overcome. Coaches,parents, and teams will find a way.

    1. Ok. Then now playing that other 10% at the same level shouldn't be a problem either.

    2. It makes a huge difference. First of all, a lot of the holdback players are well known, since they stand out a lot with their age and size. They will have a hard time faking their age/birth certficate.
      Yes there will be people who still fake the documents and sneak in, but not many.. that is not easy to do, and will take a real desperate parent.
      Also, many holdbacks did not do it because they wanted to, they did it because it was becoming the only way to have a chance, since so much of the competition was older.
      This is a welcome change for everyone, including most of the kids who were held back.
      Now your 14 yr old 6th grader can play against 8th graders, and the only place he will be a foot taller than everyone is on the school playground!!!

  62. The rule about the state id may alleviate this. Especially with the thought of having a criminal record and being fined for creating a false one. Many states will welcome the inquiries from aau since it will generate maybe not jail time but a good revenue stream. In MD it's taken very seriously since the stiff guide lines for issuing an id was the result of a murder where the prep got a real state id with fake docs and used the I'd to setup the you can't get an I'd in MD with certified with seal docs coming from the issuing agency....and Alot of other items to verify you are who you say you are.

  63. Regardless of the issues that needs to be addressed with AAU they just threw a monkey wrench into circuit and here is why:

    1. Parents & many coaches are tired of the age cheats and the b.s not allowing their kids to get a fair shot.
    2. Parents & coaches have never had another national platform by age since the AAU choose the grade platform. Now that it has changed that opportunity for a fair and balance chance for their kids recognition is a reality.
    3. For every top 100 kid or reclass there is thousands of good players whose parents pay for camps, buy sneakers, etc. They pay the bills.
    4. Sneaker Companies and Sponsor like a positive image for their product and the new rules set the AAU as the gold Standard.
    5. Parents like myself of top ranked kids that are not reclassed cannot stand the fact that the kid ranked above is a year and a half older. Why would we not put our kids in a better position by age.
    6. Money talks, and since the majority of parents pay a considerable amount to support their kids they're most certainly not going to fund organizations that don't promote fair play and the best interest of their kids. People pay for their kids to get better and get opportunities not to watch some kid 2 years old shine or dominate. Since the AAU's rule change provides this platform, they'll get my money..

  64. Agreed.

    What got black folks from the back of the bus was their purchasing power, not just cause it was the right thing to do. The money lost from those who decided to walk instead almost bankrupted the bus company. Money is a mighty game changer.

  65. To add to the comment above. All the good quality coaches who teach fundamentals, care about kids, develop the entire person including character and discipline. love this ruling. All the hype men incompetent trying to make a name for themselves of the backs of these kids parasites have had sleepless nights. They know they cannot compete with competent coaches under fair rules. They don't know how to teach the game or coach and rely only on talented players to win. They'll be exposed this year.

  66. I AAU funds the national team, then explain why USA bball plays by birth year at 16,17,18,19. At this age haven't they gone through most of their puberty where there's more parity yet where there's hugh gaps in biological develop where kids can get hurt aged base play us debated? Same system right glad now same rules.

    Brabo AAU! Eventually the circut will have to follow because the numbers will start to hit their pockets too. Parents you pay you control how your monet is spent. Like all businesses the consumer drives the demand.

  67. Prolific Performance, BBall Spotlight, Coast2Coast can continue the status quo. These people remain delusional to the storm of parents who will boycott your product. What they don't realize is the customer is right. They can hype reclasses all day but reclasses only represent a small fraction of good players. As mentioned above people pay a considerable amount of $$$ to support their kids in the form of hotels, camp costs, travel expenses etc & they will spend their money to give their kids opportunities and experiences where they have a fair shot.. But somehow these people have come to believe that they are greater than parents or the kids they serve. Much of it is because many have reclass horses in the race and profit from the current system but they have become delusional, arrogant with this belief that parents need them. Their opinion is about as useless as a use car salesman. Who crowned these people Gods of the Basketball world. All they do is hype reclasses. The truth is if u can play they will find you. Whether u play on any of their circuits or not. Keep up the arrogance guys, but u wont be able to be arrogant when the checks stop coming.

    1. Powerful statement.

      We need a version of the PTA in youth sports to voice our concerns. But thank you AAU, you've oshown us our money, calls, emails, public opinions matter now.

  68. It's sad listening to these parents talking about kids playing down and calling them elite players beating up on younger players. I really can say that my teams have been playing up since we started. I really want all these parents and whoever else to listen to this “none of these games, championship is real”!!!!! All these events are just early education to playing a high level of basketball! Players are suppose to be getting a great experience and playing against great completion which also includes having "FUN"! I hate seeing this BS, and trust me I know that a lot of these parents who are screaming their hearts out are jealous and would love to have the moment that some of these kids are getting for their own! I played the game at the highest level and also coached for over 20 years and the one thing that’s a real problem in this youth basketball is all these crazy fees for tournaments and national events, and also elite camps ect. This is what parents should be discussing not AAU rule changes that trust me will do nothing to improve parents ego for their kids to shine or be a stars. I would tell any parent that the kids I know or have seen play who are your so called hold backs can play up or down and still be a dominate player and they are also please listen to this because it’s the truth only 4 to 6 months older then their peers not 1 ½ or 2 years. I don’t agree with kids 1 ½ years or 2 years older playing against younger kids! Those that do this should be dealt with individually and not blame these issues on these young players that I mention above because that just not true and needs to stop! Shame on any parent who continues to say that 4 to 6 months gives kids an advantage over other kids is wrong and AAU should be shame if those players are forced into the situation that these parents are fighting against playing against for their kids but would force them to compete against older in age1 year to 1 ½ years in age and in a higher grade! This is the truth if you want your kid to play at a high level in basketball then their attitudes toward competing and competition needs to be just that and not making excuses!

    1. Absolute nonsense, what circuit u play on. Cheating is a epidemic. 1 to 1 1/2 years is the norm in age gaps for the reclasses. Example Zion Harmon almost 14 playing in 6th grade is the norm. There many are others. Identify yourself if u do it the right way we all know the circuit & good coaches.

    2. Where you from? What you been reading? There's no way in life to get around beginning and end of calendar year (or school year). That's never been an issue. But 1 1/2 to 2 or 3 years is a major issue and now the rules have set to fix that.

      AAU thanks. It's a great learning tool to pay for (or fundraiser for ).

    3. Sounds like you might be worried about your reclassed kid having to compete against kids his age or older. Might want to take your own advice my friend. And anytime uou have folks holding thier kids back in school for the sole purpose of gaining an advantge in youth sports that needs to be fixed. Most of the kids playing aau won't make thier high school teams "elite now and too small in two years" hard fact!

    4. Don't be scared of your "so called" elite player getting exposed. If he is that good, play up or shut up. It a big advantage, especially in middle school as these kids go through puberty. Real competitors play up to challenge themselves, not down to dominate. Keep it real.

  69. Proilficpreformance/bball spotlight is exposing themselves as frauds. This is unfortunate as they have one of the better camps in the country. Here is a news flash for those of you who dont get it. YOUR 13 and 14 YR OLDS PLAYING DOWN AGAINST 10,11,12 ARE NOT ELITE. THEY ARE NOT ELITE!! THEY ARE JUST OLDER. And its not the kids fault, they dont ask to be held back, its daddy's sorry ass who couldnt play and wants to see his kid dominate. Its gotten really pathetic and its WAAAY out of hand.
    For Coach Francis and NYBL to say they will keep this epidemic going is really a disgrace. You really want kids going around the country looking for events that will allow them to line up against smaller, younger kids so they can shine? you think this is elite? And you rank these kids against the younger ones using the same lists? Are you serious?

  70. Thank God for AAU finally fixing this epidemic.
    From what people are saying, there will still be a lot of "handlers" trying to set up an alternate universe of events for these holdback players to play in so they can still find younger players to play against and keep pretending they are better than the competition.
    We all need to get together on this as parents and boycott any event that allows kids to sign up in lower age brackets.
    Talk to your teams and other teams in your area and agree to stay out of these events. They are illegitimate and even unsafe in many cases.
    These kinds of events are not about basketball development, they serve little purpose other than a platform for low self esteem parents to get photo and mvp trophies they can post on their social media. Or worse yet, on their kids twitter account, that dad created. Playing down is hampering your players development as well as the kids he is playing against.

  71. How many of the top 30 c/o 2019 wont be able to play at AAU nationals? To say age doesnt matter is crazy. Probably 25 of the top 30 are too old. What a coincidence!

    1. So true.Older makes all the difference.On BBall Spotlight Rankings most of the kids who reclassed this summer went to the top of the class they reclassed into.If it didnt matter they would have been number one in there previous class. Point Blank

  72. Let me put it like this I know a kid that is 13 now with a birthday in late June who is a legit 8th grader is it fair to him to be playing against a 8th grader that turns 15 in March because of being reclassified no. Stop holding kids back for sports have some integrity that's what's wrong everyone trying to find the easy way out and cheat

  73. Im have a feeling that the top programs will still stack there teams with reclassed kids but may have to strip them down to compete at Nationals.Its still early, we need to see if this new rule has teeth.If team start to Boycott the BBall Spotlight,Agame, MIT ect. It may force them to comply.And im not yalking about giving them a bull crap bracket for AAU rule for teams to play in.Just think If the MIT just had reclassed programs show up they will be luck if they get 10 teams per class in June not to mention the drop from the Winter and spring event they throw.When they usually have at least 50 plus.Thats alot of Tourney Fee money not to mention the concession and door money they will be losing.They are going to mess around and a new organization is going to offer that same experience with new AAU rule in place.I would definatly sing my team up for it

  74. I agree and disagree. The top programs will try to stick with the old system but parents will overrule this with the wallet. Here's what I mean. Many parents spend thousands on AAU travel to attend these circuits events, hotels, tolls, food, camp fees, gear, etc because the grade rule was universal in AAU. Most of us who do it the right way don't like the reclass nonsense but what options were left but to take part in this to give your kid a chance. Now that the AAU has instituted fair rules they have created a platform for the same exposure also giving kids a fair chance to be evaluated against kids their own age. They say well AAU is only district quals and nationals but that's all they need for the exposure during puberty. I can just play my kid up locally to get competition during the year then put him on age appropriate teams for AAU district and nationals to get exposure. Saves thousands. Lastly my kid is ranked high in his appropriate class but reclassed kids 1 to 1 1/2 years older than him are ranked higher because of this reclass foolishness. Why would I or any parent not put their kids in the best situation possible and save loads of cash in the process. What BB spotlight, Agame, MIT don't understand is participating in these events have now become optional and the big money is now on the none reclass kids. What good is a holdback if there're no younger kids around to beat up on... They'll be at AAU with their parents.

  75. Why are there so many people against this new AAU ruling? You would think if your kid is so elite or select that he wouldnt have to reclass to be consider BETTER than kids YOUNGER. When I was growing up and you was consider Elite you would play UP NEVER DOWN that would be consider useless to your development and you would get laughed at now its like people look for a way to glorify a kid getting left back and that's a SHAME. Any tournament, camp or showcase that goes by the old rules is just showing there true colors and are not trying to benefit your kid there benefitting there pockets and names. Example if a kid that is in the 2 grade or 7under and just starting to learn the game and its fundamentals how is it ok for him to play against kids 9u that already has been learning for at least two years and age wise is suppose to be in the 4th grade.That could NEVER be a FAIR SITUATION. So to all u folks that believe your tournaments are gonna be better now are crazy y'all want a bunch of flucking kids school wise to represent your tournaments why not help them school wise and actually do the RIGHT THING TO KIDS THAT ACTUAL DO TAKE STUDENT-ATHLETE SERIOUS instead of ranking them and making them feel like there better then YOUNGER KIDS just because they could not get it done in the class room or basketball wise in there own AGE GROUP. It should always be school before basketball and this is just showing that a lot of people aren't about that so sad

  76. Bottom line is whether a kid is 15 or 13 in the 8th grade THEY ARE 2019 and they will be looked upon as a 2019 kid, not a true 2019 or a reclassed 2019 they are 2019! Previous blogger stated it was only about 10% of kids reclassed so just play! The majority of the elite/reclassed teams play up anyway. It a kid is 15 and that good in the CLASS OF 2019 then he should and will be ranked according to his class. AAU originally set the rules of unlimited grade exceptions and really what did yall think was going to happen? You have people forging birth certificates and everything else and then AAU says its ok the have unlimited grade exceptions? YEAH OK! Life's not fair and yes it is a huge difference in a 1-1 1/2 in age but lets be honest the majority of these reclass kids was highly ranked even before they reclassed! The top kids in 2019 that reclassed to 2020 were highly ranked and at times pretty dominate in 2019. Parents have the RIGHT TO RECLASS their kid if they want. AAU rule change will eventually get things back to the old way but guarantee coaches will go back to looking for the late birthday kids and people will fuss about that. JUST PLAY BALL AND STOP WHINING!

  77. Ok I hear you. Do ynice you already playing up you will have no problem.

    Class is for high School graduation, not middle school. As the Nonreclass been told, the rules say we can play our age so stop complain .

  78. My question now is,how do we implement the new rules across the board.I know for the time being the big tournaments MIT,BBall spotlight ect will play the old format.In order for the new format to place new tournaments have to take the place of those big tourneys.Maybe then people will have a option to play good basketball against good teams from all over.Until then the land scape will remain the same.Believe me,once there are alternatives the other guys will have to change or go out of business.

  79. Any nationally respected circuit who enforces AAU 7-14 ages rules gets the $$$. GETs the TEAMs those age ranges & gets the $$$ period. Lets test this... Only a fool ruling leagues would turn down an opportunity like this to become the number 1 circuit

  80. I just seen bb spotlight rank a kid the #1 7th grader and he played 7th grade last year.RECLASS. What I don't get is if you did good last year playing 7th what's the point in doing it again? To get higher numbers against kids YOUNGER so they could say they dominated a GRADE there are not suppose to even be in educational wise and age wise. Highschool is where it all will even out, I would take the younger Elite freshman over the older reclass elite freshman ever time. I know a kid ranked high in 4th grade and he never plays down always up even during that Maryland camp he didn't even play his own grade he played up and got ranked top 15 in the 5th grade but wasn't even ranked the top kid in his own grade for the simply fact the kids above him all reclassed but of course these sites would say those kids ranked higher then him are ELITE

  81. Competition for this age group demographic is coming be patient, its already in the works. That is a National circuit implementing the rule changes for middle school and lower. Investors are currently meeting

  82. BBall spotlight ranked him the #1 7th grader because HE IS IN 7TH GRADE!!! He was dominate last year and if he/his parents want him to play 7th grade again that's what they'll do geesh... Don't know what your point is in taking an nonreclass ELITE freshman over a older reclass freshman is but i guarantee that ELITE RECLASS is better. AAU is the one that will benefit the most in terms of yes they purge the 10% reclass teams and add numerous of age teams to the tune of 8 day money pits when nationals can clearly be done in 4-5 days max so dont think AAU gives a crap about lil Johhny playing against his own age kids, if some of you were around when AAU implemented the unlimited grade exception rules several years ago you could see this issue clearly. The 2020 reclass 7th graders will have to play up so what happens? they get stronger, faster, better and be in the SAME GRADE as the non reclassers. Get over it

  83. Which middle school rankings are the most legit? Do they mean anything? Are they in conjunction with espn rankings at all? Do middle school rankings carryover or do you have to prove urself again once you get in high school? Which ranking do I follow? Not knocking just curious I love to look at them all its very entertaining

  84. They are not playing up there are playing there actual AGE...NONRECLASS KID IS YOUNGER AND HAS MORE DEVELOPMENT TIME IN HIM IF BOTH KIDS MAKE VARSITY WHO IS BENEFITTING FROM THAT?THE OLDER KID PLAYING AGAINST YOUNGER KIDS OR THE YOUNGER KID PLAYING OLDER KIDS? After them four years of highschool you could have two kids with similar stats but the only difference one is younger,who are you gonna give that scholarship? What's going to happen if that reclassed kid has to red shirt before college?that's another extra year of school and another year older which makes u less attractive to them scouts you talk about.

  85. college coaches could careless if an incoming freshman is reclassed, if they have to be reshirted then they get a much more mature player so to your question i think a college coach would give the scholarship to the kid the is most ready to contribute and that would in most cases be the older kid

  86. Yeah there going to take the older kid that can't even pass classes. I would take the younger kid with the same stats and on top of that he's two years younger in most cases so that younger kid getting redshirted will still be younger then that old kid who game has no progress..out of all those reclassed kids a select few will get scholarships but won't be able to accept them because they won't be able to finish school or have to go to prep school to guess what get actual grades to get into college and by the time that happens what you looking at a 21 or 22 yr old freshman.hahaha

  87. If u are 19 going on 20 years old your senior year of high school u better be the man otherwise I'm going with a 17 year old who is equally talented. U basically a young adult in high school vs kids ranging in age from 15 to 18.

  88. First and foremost, let this be said, I agree with the rule changes. I have been saying this for years athletes should play their age and their age should be verified by a state issued ID. With that said, my son is a re-class from the class of 2019 to 2020.

    As a parent and in speaking with other parents that decided to re-class our student (let’s not forget they are students first), there were several factors that influenced our decision, none of which are related to AAU rankings. Considering most AAU athletes from the DMV area come from two parent homes who value an education. These parents like us hold college degrees and want the same for our kids. The public school system in the DMV area is not very good, which means our student is fighting for limited private high school spaces. The need to re-class my son came from us removing him from a less challenging public school to an elite private school. Academically, this is an elite private school and he needed to catch up, therefore pushing him back a grade. The value in re-classing is seen in his 2019 senior year of high school, not on an AAU blog today.

    As far as being an athlete, we have been dealing the issue of re-class since 2nd grade. The class of 2019 is full of 2018 re-classed athletes. These athletes are elite and in position to get all the limited private school spaces mentioned above. So, in essence every class is playing up. Since re-classing is a part of the game right now, why not asterisk (*) athletes that only play their re-class grade, not play up. These players clearly re-class in order to dominate younger less skilled athletes. While most re-class players continue to play up including my son there are some that obviously have a different mindsets and reasoning.

    Finally, the negative and offensive misconception of the black re-classed basketball student athletes needs to be addressed. Contrary to popular belief and what is written on various blogs including this one is that our student athletes are “dummies” and/or “can’t cut it in the classroom”. Baseball players re-class all the time never receiving the negativity our black kids receive. Why is that? The white baseball player is surely smarter than our kids? Their parents might understand the value of an education and want to give their kids the best shot at it? But, our kids are just dummies. We have to defend our kids against these can kinds of attacks not support them.

  89. Unfortunately this rule will impact a large amount of kids & teams who have been doing it the right way for years. Parents made the decision to start school late because their physical/social development or family situation when they were 5 or 6 years old. Most of the kids impacted have never thought about re-classing. We spend 9-12 months a year with each other and have become a family in many ways and are our kids best friends. When I told my son that one of his best friends cannot play with him next year because he is 16 days too old, tears filled his eyes - - 4 years we have all been together. These are 9, 10 & 11 year old boys. The focus is on the re-class and the rankings - but that is such a small part of this. 99% of the kids will never been ranked, and most team have not even considered going to a National Tournament or camp. In the end, when they are all in HS and/or College, if they are good enough, they will be playing each other regardless of their age or class.

  90. This make no damn sense I reclassed my kid and I know he would have been top five of 2020 if not for these haters. My son is a definate nba prospect and yes at age 14. Make no mistake he is 5'9" right now but I see him topping out at about 6'7" by maybe 11th grade. Im 5' 11 and his mom is 5' 3 but I just know he will hit growth spert sooner or later. But anyways reclassing him was really for education his gpa was 3.85 and I yhink he should be at a 4.0 so thats why we reclassed him. And yes he is ranked he even made the rec league all star team thats got to account for something. We reclasser need to stick together and form a reclass league.....hold up then we would be playing against kids our own age all over again, hell naw thats just wrong aau need to put the rule back like it was.

    1. Lol agreed, them 2 above u are such cheaters they have become delusional. The food bill alone at my house would prevent me from holding back a academically sound kid.. they tripping..

    2. Look @ their strategy one tries to use race the other academics to distract us from the real issue cheating. Y'all holding kids back for basketball period. The problem is now u cheated to get exposure and same system will expose u as a cheater. Cannot hide we know who the cheating parents are seen u & your kid on the same grade circuit 2 years in a row. But if u hurry u can put those kids back with their friends in the right grade before the marking period ends. Stop teaching kids to cheat.

  91. If people are reclassing there kids for academic reasons then they should have them play in there right grade and have them "play down" in class until they can catch up scholastically.Oh yeah now they have no choice.LOL lets see how good everybody is playing on a even playing field.

    And for the guy who say his son cant play with his friend cause he is 16 days to old, Just have your son play up then they can be on the same team again.If its that important to him

  92. I think most of you all have kids at the younger ages. Because all the top 2019 and 2020 elite kids that are reclassed can play there age and up. Don't be fooled. Only time will tell if the choices that have been made will pay off. Who want to bet? Now lets sit back and watch the power houses teams like 2020 Slam City ,Oakland Soilders, WACG, 2019 AOR, DC Priemier, City Stars Memphis War Egales And list goes on and on still be the elite teams they are. Don't Hate Get Better

    1. They should be able to play their age and up that's the point....My son is 11 and wont turn 12 till march...he is a young 6th grade and he is and top teir player...yes he can play his age and up....the problem is having a zion harmon rated as the #1 sixth grader in the nation and he is almost 3 years older then my son who is a true 6th grader....

    2. so why played down...please explain with some LOGIC, aint the older kids suppose to be better? How does that make you an elite athlete if you are elite get it done at your age or actually above your age. People are so twisted it's not even funny anymore. SMDH

  93. so the new rule will be active this upcoming aau season is that correct? Because the breakdown of the guidelines said 2015 so I am not sure....Its much overdue in my opinion...Kids need to be rated based on age and no longer by grade....Shemar Murrow playing with 6th graders is totally ridiculous and anyone who thinks that's ok is ridiculous...just my opinion...

  94. ULTIMATELY CREAM RISES TO THE TOP! In the 2014 NBA draft there were 6 "one and done" picks out of the first 9. Only ONE of the 6 would have been considered a hold back or reclass. Middle school is the playground for the "reclasses". High School, college and the NBA draft is for the truly gifted that put in the work!

  95. Not everyone will be elite enough reclass or nonreclasse. Period. There only a limited spots on the professional level. The NBA drafts based on potential. Why because this sport will ravage the body. Being young is rewarded and helps determine your ceiling..i.e ...potential. so tricks and scams will get you on somebody's 7th grade list when you really belong on a high school varsity team but you can't fool those who are looking to hire you and will judge you based on where you at in your stage of development at your age.

  96. Problem is Mike Melton is already saying he will keep his Spotlight tourneys based on Grade.

  97. College & high school coaches could careless about what mike or any of these guys think, they go out and evaluate talent themselves and when they do age is a factor when evaluating stages of development. They dont take those guys serious, they may go watch kids but u can't b.s. them they know the game. They know when theyre being sold scam talent with this cheating system

  98. BBall Spotlight serves a need: Easy Recognition. This sight is one of the easiest ways to get your name to show up in an internet search. Camps and tourneys similar to BBall Spotlight's model need those big name kids to come to attract a lot no name kids to come spend money. That's why the same kids travel from one camp to the next camp all year long....makes you go Humm??? How much exposure in middle school is necessary. These kids with names don't pay and are used to attract the masses that pay. These will always be reclassed kids who may or may not be a Demetrius Walker the book "The Played There Hearts Out." It's a heartbreaking cautionary tale of kids being used and kicked to the curb when they don't turn out to be the mega stars they were hyped to be in middle school.

    And once a scout has deemed you its hard to take it back since his credibility is on the line. So how can BBall Spotlight back away now, it would loose it's credibility and become irrelevant. Unless parents stop paying to attend these kinds of events or start their own website for the purposes of seeing your kid a the # 1 spot like, Middle school elite did for his son, it will be business as usual. But if the dollar was so powerful to affect change in AAU who has many other sports besides basketball you know the that parents can with their dollar demand and "get" change with BBall Spolight and the likes as well. Its only a matter of time.

    My son was never ranked in Middle school. He didn't play selfishly, he didn't score 90 out of his team's 101 points, he wasn't a beast although he had a beastly size. He was just a kid playing and learning. Now at the high school level , many division I high major schools are interested in him. Why because he takes care of his classwork and works hard at being the best player he can be...oh and he grew from 5'3 in elementary school to 6'8" in high school in threw in a mustache and some muscles here and there and basically grew up based the pace GOD has set from him without an ounce of reclassification.

    1. Good news!!! Smart comments that support new age requirements are prevailing on this blog.

      Not so good news: There are still many sick parents around. One in a million will succeed and others will do long lasting damage to their kids.

      Teach kids to focus on school and play a sport they like the best they can and they will do just fine in life.

  99. 6:42 - well said.
    I'm happy about the rule change. I actually wish they had made it for high school as well. In high school, things level out somewhat in terms of height, but there are still big differences in body development and experience levels. And college coaches don't care about age. What do they care if you are older? They don't care if you are 24 when you graduate. Why wouldn't they want a grown man on their roster. The only time that the "cheating" catches up to people is in the pros. Those people draft or sign based on potential, and they look long and hard at what age you are. However, that is the only time when re-classing or starting kids late catches up to people. And if you are hoping your kid is going to play in the NBA and he isn't head and shoulders above their classmates (in height and talent) you are kidding yourselves. The AVERAGE height in the NBA is 6'8". And no amount of camps or rankings or little-league trophies is going to change that. In fact, that height will continue to go up as we get 6'9" small forwards and 6'7" shooting guards. Anthony Davis wasn't on ANYONE'S ranking list until his junior year in high school when he got a lot taller.
    So what we are really talking about here is a battle for college scholarships.
    But here is the reason that so many people are celebrating the new AAU rules. You are correct in saying that re-classing your kid (or starting him in school late) is not cheating, because it is not against the current rule system. The reason others are celebrating is because someone (AAU) finally did make it against the rules.
    Let's remember, there have been lots of things that have gone on in our country that didn't used to be against the rules. That doesn't mean that they weren't wrong. Women didn't used to be allowed to vote. That was the law. That didn't mean that the law wasn't wrong. You can probably think of other examples yourself. Just because you are playing "within the rules" doesn't mean that you are playing "fair".
    P.S. The two best players in the world, Lebron James and Kevin Durant, always played in the correct grade. In fact, Durant was still 17 years old when he graduated. They got better by playing bigger, older kids, not by dominating smaller, younger ones.
    And by the way, baseball has always been by age, not grade. You will see kids who are young for their grade allowed to play down and others that are old for their grade playing up to the next level. And parents just deal with it and accept it. Change is always hard at first. In five years, hopefully this will all be behind us and playing by age will just be normal.

  100. This is the list of the top 25 kids for the class of 2021 from BBallSpotlight and Coach Francis most recent Future Phenom Camp. (U can find this list on the BBall spotlights website).

    1.Donnell Harris (Florida)
    2.Zion Harmon (Maryland)
    3.Trey Patterson (New Jersey)
    4.Trey Thomas (Maryland)
    5.Khalil Brantley (Georgia)
    6.Khalil Farmer (Pennsylvania)
    7.Ahmad Harrison (Maryland)
    8.Carlos Alexander (Maryland)
    9.Keon Henderson (Michigan)
    10.Justice Williams (Pennsylvania)
    11.Bryce McGowans (South Carolina)
    12.Brayson Freeman (Maryland)
    13.Ty Wilson (Virginia)
    14.Trevor Keels (Maryland)
    15.Travonne Jackson (Ohio)
    16.Jayden Pierre (New Jersey)
    17.George Cutler (Virginia)
    18.Michael Anderson (Pennsylvania)
    19.Malik Jones (Tennessee)
    20.Griffin Barouk (Pennsylvania)
    21.Stalin Oaks (Pennsylvania)
    22.Antonio Sanders (Florida)
    23.Chris Kuzemka (Virginia)
    24.Chase Collyer (Connecticut)
    25.Brian Pope (Virginia)

    My son Jayden Pierre is number 16 on the list, 11 years with a date of birth of May 7th meaning he will not be turning 12 until next year, so for some of you to come in here stating that Nationals will be watered down, NEW FLASH, there's actually kids that can compete, perform, and straight up ball at their appropriate age. My son been playing and competing against reclassed kids ever since he first stepped foot in the circuit 2 years ago, he never complained, he just worked hard, because I told him what he was up against, Don't get me wrong, as a aau parent reclassing became an option to consider, But I always looked at it like, My son didn't need to reclass based on his skillset he always competed against the reclass kids, and not ever once did he complain. At the end it's all gonna boiled down to if u got it or if u don't. The new aau rules is fine with me, My son will be at Nationals having FUN playing and competing against he PEERS.

    1. Yes sir...I agree....I wonder how many kids on that list have been re-classed? I believe that the rankings should now be based on age and not grade.....I believe that all kids who have been on the AAU circuit have played against kids that have been re classed...Even in the lower lever tourneys there are reclass kids but no one complains because there not obviously superior...I think the rule will be a breath of fresh air to the parents and more importantly to the kids....Alot of kids who are ranked fall as they get older because they know that their not being truthful...I dont blame the kid...I blame the parent....

    2. That 2021 list is FLAWED. Not only is Seth Wilson not top 5. He's not even listed. Smh. Seth just turned 12 a couple days ago. And then Paris Dawson is not even listed. He reclassed. Definitely top 3

    3. Good job Mr. Pierre. That's what a parent does...encourages and supports and guides through difficult times.

    4. Travonne Jackson(Ohio) is also a re-class....he can play but I have not seen him ever dominate any game re-class or not....

  101. Based on what u just said your kid is that good at 11 and Zion Harmon is 14, Trey Paterson is 13. Someone tell me that some scout would not take that into consideration. In my book & I am in similar situation as u your kid should be ranked higher based on his talent and age. Now that we know your kids age he is going to get even more respect. Thank you for being an example of parents who do it right which is Hit the books, Hit the gym. Sink or swimming, no short term manufactured cheating success. Congratulations..... My only concern as a parent is i actually feel bad for the reclassed kids, their parents made this decision & now with all the media attention everyone knows u r cheating. Thats heavy for a kid to walk around with.

  102. 11:37, yes I feel sorry for them too because it's not the kids it's the adults that make this happen. I know of at least 10 2018 kids who reclassed to 2019 this summer for the purposes of bring a national title to bring back recognition.

    I keep hearing folks say AAU Nationals will be nothing now, the reclasses will go else where. But the question I ask is why where you there last year then.

    AAU funds USA Basketball. Why did USA Baskball use age based rules? Because the purpose of USA Basketball is not to play other fake USA National State plays International players. And Fiba uses birth year rules....and these are grown men against grown men.

  103. That list is flawed.They only ranked the kids that went to that camp in August.My son was invited to attend the camp but he plays football so we wasnt able to attend and so was other kids I know that play top level basketball.All who are legit 12u.We will all be at D1 Nationals

  104. Just a quick question. I have a son who turned 12 on July 9th. He is a 6th grader. Would he be considered a re-class even though he has never been held back? My only concern isn't competition, it's the fact that he would no longer be able to play with the teammates that he's been fortunate enough to have for a couple of years.

    1. If a player turns 13 before the end of 2015 season, which is August 31st 2015, he cannot play 12u.
      It is simple: Nobody asks if a player is reclass or not. It is AGE based eligibility.
      To be honest your son is a reclass since he started school late. He was held back, most likely, at the kindergarten level.

  105. I see a few ppl stating that list from my previous post with the top 25 kids as being "flawed" get it correct, at the very top of the post it says "top 25 from the future phenom camp", never said it was the top kids in the country, explained to me how is it flawed? It is because your kid or a few others u know are not on there? Of course not, THEY WASN'T AT THE CAMP. My whole purpose of posting the list as I stated in my post was to prove to the ones that thinks or believe aau will be watered down based on the new rules. I understand your child or the few legit 12u kids u know could ball, but just like my son if they was at the actual camp, they too would have never ended in the top 5. Read and understand the message before assuming someone is saying your child doesn't belong, and yes we will be at D1 nationals laughing and enjoying all our legit kids are competing on a even playing filed.

  106. Problem with the whole age eligibility is that it is different for many sports under the same gender.

    Why is the age eligibility different for Basketball, Baseball and Hockey all under AAU rules. If AAU is going to make a change make it the same for all sports within the same gender.

  107. Will be interesting to see how all tournaments handle this. AAU just maybe hurting itself especially as they may lose memberships.

    1. I don't think AAU will lose a lot of memberships..I think on the flip side because of the rule they will gain membership from teams that figured they couldn't compete with the big boys they had re-class kids...but now they will be on an even playing field which will have coaches ready to put their team in those aau tournaments.

  108. Too much crying on this forum if you dont like the new age rule then most likely your part of the problem and if your like me and your kid is legit and still ranked then your happy that itsa on a even playing field. i do believe its terrible for kids to be playing 11u and hes 13-14 yrs old but hey it was in the rule as grade based and coaches /programs used it to their advantage and i hope these kids can pass a act test since school is definitley not a priortiy.

  109. It is funny how people try hard to make excuses. Accept the new rules. They are easy to understand.
    No single rule or law is fair to everybody.
    Let the kids compete and teach them a lesson in life by respecting new rules.

    Why not drinking a day before your 21st birthday and hoping nobody will catch you - but it is "almost" 21.

  110. has just announced it will run age based camps and rank according to age. 1 down how many more to go?

    1. Big ups to MSE for leading the way.
