Friday, July 11, 2014

NYBL Extends Special Invitations to All-Star Weekend

By now, most every youth basketball fan has heard about the elite competition and maximum exposure offered by the National Youth Basketball League (NYBL).  Although many of the nation’s top teams and players participated in the league this year, there is a recognition there is still a lot of individual talent around the country waiting to be discovered. Consequently, the NYBL is extending “special invitations” to some of the top young ballers in the country to participate in the festivities, which are currently scheduled for September 13th & 14th in Columbus, Ohio.

These special invitations will offer an opportunity to play with and against the top players from the NYBL.  In addition, players will receive the same level of exposure afforded to the top players in the league. In addition, depending on the level of interest from the list of Special Invitees, a special “NYBL vs The Nation” all-star game could be added to the slate of featured all-star games. Interested players should contact Rob Taylor at 614-203-2929 as soon as possible. Also, below is a link to the invitation letter and registration forms (for invitees only). This event represents an excellent opportunity to compete against the nation’s most elite players and to get the exposure you deserve. Don’t miss out on the opportunity!

1 comment:

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